Aboriginal Service Plan

What is an Aboriginal Service Plan?

An Aboriginal Service Plan (ASP) is a three-year rolling strategic plan for enhancing the post-secondary educational experiences and outcomes of Aboriginal learners. The ASP is a provincial initiative funded by the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training which began as a pilot in 2008 with the goals:

  1. Increase access, retention, completion and transition opportunities for Aboriginal learners
  2. Strengthen partnerships and collaboration in Aboriginal post-secondary education, and
  3. Increase the receptivity and relevance of post-secondary institutions and programs for Aboriginal learners, including providing support for initiatives that address systemic barriers

VIU's ASP is developed and implemented collaboratively with our Aboriginal communities. It is reviewed and ranked by our HMS Committee and submitted to the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training on an annual basis. This funding has enabled us to develop and enhance Aboriginal services and programs. We are grateful to the Ministry's ongoing commitment in this area.

VIU 2018-19 ASP Proposal

Report back on 2017-18 ASP Activities