Na’tsa’ maht Shqwaluwun, One Heart, One Mind

About this Series
The Office of Indigenous Education and Engagement heads into the 13th year of offering Na’tsa’ maht Shqwaluwun: Understanding Indigenous Perspectives Learning Series. We are offering the following sessions to interested faculty, staff, students and community members.
View all upcoming Na’tsa’ maht Shqwaluwun, One Heart, One Mind sessions
Learning how to be together: Disrupting colonized thinking together
Decolonization and indigenization are the buzzwords we’ve come to know in our work. We see oppressive practices in our classrooms, systems and relationships. Sometimes they are obviously dehumanizing, while other times we need to really squirm around to bring it into the light. As people with good hearts, we want not to perpetuate the mindsets that result in ‘othering’ land and people. Our elders tell us that we must find our way using our teachings, both from the land and the academy. Navigating the changes in recent months to our work and daily interactions, we are mindful of our commitment to knowledge building in relationship to those around us.
Journey overview
Using Coast Salish protocols and practices, Anishinaabek ways of knowing, and Western perspectives and practices, we will consider a variety of perspectives in relation to our guiding question. In our journey together, we will use readings, video/audio recordings, discussions, and personal reflection opportunities to encourage ourselves to think critically about the multi-faceted nature of the relationships in our various learning places. We will give ourselves space and time to disrupt/pause our thinking/doing so that we can observe our worldviews and participate in an intentional shift/redirection/refocusing of thoughts/actions. This process will provide opportunities for each of us to locate ourselves within this collaborative knowledge generating journey. While honouring our multiple contexts, we will contribute to the co-creation of collective knowledge and shared understanding. The insights we gain will contribute to our view of education and to our understanding of the significant role we play in the journey of those around us.
This professional development opportunity is on-hold.
Integrated Learning Series
The Integrated Learning Series, titled “All My Relations” is designed to share promising practices and teachings that are emerging from the programs and activities run by the Office of Indigenous Education and Engagement. Sharing the teachings we have received from Indigenous learners, communities, learning partners, and families is a way to be accountable to these groups and honour the responsibility to be transparent and authentic in our work together.
A series of presentations and dialogues were held in early 2020 and through these sessions we received valuable feedback that enables us to continue to evolve the Integrated Learning Series going forward and invite additional relations and contributions. Many workshops will involve some pre-reading and hands-on learning during the session.

Coast Salish Protocol Sessions
Vancouver Island University resides on the traditional territory of the Coast Salish people and has developed long-standing relationship with many local First Nation communities and Aboriginal organizations. These introductory sessions, facilitated by Elders, provide the basis for understanding the importance of recognizing these relationships and acknowledging respect for the traditional territories we inhabit.
Coast Salish Protocol
Date and time to be announced.
This introductory session, facilitated by Snuneymuxw VIU Elder Geraldine Manson (C-tasi:a) provides the basis for understanding the importance of recognizing these relationships and acknowledging respect for the traditional territories we inhabit. Geraldine works on the Nanaimo Campus.
Metis Protocol
Date and time to be announced.
This introductory session will be facilitated by Metis Elder Stella Johnson. Stella will provide an understanding and awareness of Metis history on Vancouver Island. Stella works on the Nanaimo Campus.
Kwak waka' wakw Perspectives
Date and time to be announced.
This introductory session will be facilitated by Kwakwakwuk Elder Maxine Matilpi (Lakwa). Maxine will provide an understanding of Kwakwakwuk protocols, history and an understanding of acknowledging respect for the traditional territory of the north part of Vancouver Island. Maxine works on the Nanaimo Campus.
Tla'amin Protocol Session
Date and time to be announced.
This introductory session will be facilitated by Tla’amin Elder Eugene Louie. Eugene will provide an understanding of the Tla’amin protocols, history and an understanding of their modern-day treaty. Eugene works on the tiwšɛmawtxʷ Campus (Powell River) .
Cowichan Protocol Session
Date and time to be announced.
This introductory session will be facilitated by Cowichan Tribes Elder Marlene Rice (Hwiem'). Marlene will provide an understanding of the Hwtheeyqut Sy’uwen Protocol Handbook that she has prepared for the Cowichan Campus which has been created as a guide. Marlene works on the Cowichan Campus.
Soup and Bannock: Lunch and Learn Series

This speaker’s series is held by Office of Indigenous Education and Engagement at Vancouver Island University and sponsored by various VIU departments. These talks are held on Tuesdays 4 times a year over the lunch hour and provide the opportunity for students, staff, faculty and community to expand their experience and awareness in current Indigenous topics and various aspects of Aboriginal Ways of Being and Knowing.
Dates: Four times per year - October 2023; January, February and March 2024
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